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Scuba Articles > VaDiver > Travel
Okanawa, Japan Okanawa, Japan
VaDiver - 3/19/2007 12:00 AM
I flew over to Okinawa, Japan for a business trip, I sent out a couple emails from All this time Drew is sending me email stating, Dude this is the worse time to come and Dive Raining the past two weeks. I arrive here on Saturday, making sure that I would have plenty of time to Dive before work on Monday. I call bluthundr from Dive Buddies, He comes and picks me up from my hotel, and we are off to the water. We head to the local Dive shop and fill up with air. We get to the Se...
Dubia UAE Dubia UAE
VaDiver - 1/03/2007 12:00 AM
My First Dive was in 2006 in Dubia UAE at Russian Beach, Which is where I got PADI certification. The Picture here is of the Dive Shop that we left from on my Second Dive that was at the LeMeridine. Off of the Coast of Oman....