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Scuba Articles > eljayar > Personal
Unsolicited Packing Advice
eljayar - 1/31/2008 4:57 PM
Howdy buckaroos. I`m in the midst of packing for a week of live aboard diving on the Aqua Cat out of Nassau. This will 6th live aboard trip in the last 3 years and I`m starting to get a handle on how to pack. Without a doubt, the best piece of gear I`ve purchased has been a wheeled carry-on. I`ve got one made by XS Scuba, but there are several others out there that would probably serve as well. What`s so great about it? I can get all my essential gear (except fins) inside it. That`s a BCD, 3 mil...
eljayar - 1/29/2008 7:48 AM
There`s a commercial on television that tells you life comes at you fast. It snuck up on me yesterday afternoon in the form of a great price on a live aboard in the Bahamas this coming weekend (Feb. 2). It was one of those " yes or no, we absolutely gotta know if you`re gonna go. And we gotta know right now!" kinda moments. Never let it be said that I can`t make a quick decision (we can debate the frequency with which my quick decisions have been bemoaned at some later time). I`m going to the Ba...