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Photos > AkitaDiver > Miscellaneous
Sharkbaitcher on the Yukon
If I tried to do that now, I`d hurt myself.
The good old days.
Yes. I am a Navy Diver. Want to make something of it?
Old School
My son`s graduating class from Navy Dive School
Cheryl in Costa Rica 2
Cheryl in Costa Rica
My boy - The Navy Diver
Whaler Rick - Diver Of The Month
Whaler Bill
Santa Cruz Island
Sea Lions on rock at Santa Cruz
Whalers Rick and Adam
My favorite kelp picture
Catalina Goby under feather-duster worm
Catalina Goby
Whaler Mark`s nice lingcod off of San Miguel, on the Peace
2 nice lingcods off of San Miguel, on the Peace
Deveron - The newest Akita
The elusive SoCal abalone
California Sheephead
Electric Ray