Dan - DanielCantrell
Jacksonville FL
72 years old
Joined On: 2/18/2006
Last Login: 5/20/2010

Experience: Proficient
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Habits: Only drink
Relationship: Married
Children At Home: No
Company: Divers Supply on Beach Blvd - Jacksonville
"Lets Go Diving "
Been to: Devils Den (Florida), Blue Grotto (Florida), Ginnie Springs (Florida), Paradise Springs (Florida), Crystal River (Florida), Mayport (Off Shore Wrecks - Florida), Quail Run (Rolla Missouri), Troy (Florida)
In 2007 have been to Devils Den, Ginnie Springs, Crystal River, & Blue Grotto.. looking to go to Troy Springs and then hit some salt water offshore diving....
This Blog last updated 10/01/07... Note: if you want to watch the video and hear the sound of the video without the music I have provided.. then scroll down and click on the control that looks like PAUSE on your Remote Control(It`s two white verticle lines like
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