Hello People with disability have come from all over the world to dive and train with me . In this picture i’m training a person who is ( BLIND ) to earn her diving certification . It took us two weeks of touch hand signals and a lot of hard work , but now she is a Certified Adaptive Scuba Diver...Now you ask what that means , Sch has to dive with a buddy in some cases a diver with disability’s may need two dive buddy’s depending on their disability’s. As a Course Director i enjoy teach these courses at Camp bay beach dive & adventure resort-Roatan Honduras east end...At the resort we offer courses from try scuba through scuba / adaptive scuba instructor & dive master certifications . The dive buddy course is one that i so love because it gives a person a gift of working with person who want’s too dive and not be kept back by their disability.
The training is long and hard and different , trust me when i say different . For one just think about walking around the resort in a ( BLACKED OUT DIVE MASK ) For an hour or so....Hey there is a lot to learn in this Instructor certification course. If you would like to become a Professional Scuba / Adaptive Scuba Instructor or Dive Master please check our face book pages Divepath.com and Camp bay beach dive & adventure resort and Contact me at Jami@Divepath.com on becoming a Professional Scuba / Adaptive Scuba Instructor or Dive Master.
Thank You
Dr. Jami Epstein-Course Director
Dive Path Scuba / Adaptive Scuba Instructor & Dive Master School at Camp bay beach dive & adventure resort-Roatan Honduras
Jami@Divepath.com +504-3307-1266