As an instructor, one of my favorite classes to teach is Open Water. Yes, it`s more work...more risk...and sometimes more frustration. But it`s also the class where I see the biggest change in my students. They go from land dwellers to undersea explorers, right before my eyes!
Yesterday, one of my Advanced Students had been getting an airfill at a local scuba mega-chain, and had overheard a female diver say that she left her open water in tears when her instructor told her she asked too many questions and was a distraction to the class.
I do believe that as Open Water divers, we`re learning to explore an environment that humans are not designed to survive in. We`re learning to use new equipment that we have never seen before. Pressure, Energy, Physics, Physiology...all in a 2 week course? My students BETTER be asking questions.
For the students reading this blog...ask questions. There`s others in your group who have the same question, they just aren`t voicing it. And for the instructors...we were all sitting in their chairs once upon a time. And I know that I had questions and issues and a BIG learning curve as I was coming up the ladder.