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Questions from new divers
GirlDiver - 12/17/2007 11:00 AM
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Category: Educational
Comments: 6
Questions from new diversAs an instructor, one of my favorite classes to teach is Open Water. Yes, it`s more work...more risk...and sometimes more frustration. But it`s also the class where I see the biggest change in my students. They go from land dwellers to undersea explorers, right before my eyes!

Yesterday, one of my Advanced Students had been getting an airfill at a local scuba mega-chain, and had overheard a female diver say that she left her open water in tears when her instructor told her she asked too many questions and was a distraction to the class.


I do believe that as Open Water divers, we`re learning to explore an environment that humans are not designed to survive in. We`re learning to use new equipment that we have never seen before. Pressure, Energy, Physics, Physiology...all in a 2 week course? My students BETTER be asking questions.

For the students reading this blog...ask questions. There`s others in your group who have the same question, they just aren`t voicing it. And for the instructors...we were all sitting in their chairs once upon a time. And I know that I had questions and issues and a BIG learning curve as I was coming up the ladder.


debay(Dee-Bay) - 1/20/2008 11:06 AM
To be honest, I have heard some kinda dumb questions in a BOW class. I think I asked a few myslef. Some one put it in perspectiv though. Your strapping yourself onto a highly pressurized metal cannister that has dozens of zippers,pouches, pockets, straps, buckles, velcro enclosures, D-rings, gauges, hoses, and odd fitting mouth pieces you are requird to cram in our mouth. And on top of that your being asked to breath underwater. Add to that personal stress levels, abilities, and fears and you have a cocktail of potential disaster. I would much rather ask or hear asked, a `dumb` question than see a prospective diver give up because the are nedlessly freaked out or do something fatal because they didnt just ASK.
Magdalena - 12/21/2007 6:47 AM
I totally agree. ASK, AKS, ASK. No questions = no answers. The "stupid" questions are mostly the smart ones. You seem to bee a blody good instructor! Keep up the good work! My instructor was also good, a soldier who had been traned to work with mines at very deep water. We asked and asked and asked. And he was happy with it.
Forker - 12/19/2007 11:15 AM
I think I was lucky also, I was certed in Montego Bay Jamaica. My OW was a small class (2 students) My Adv was only me. Of course being in Jamaica it was very relaxed, but my instructor was very knowlageble and eager to answer any and all questions I had, and I had alot. If you knew me you`d understand that I question everything. He didn`t mind and that was GREAT! I think instuctors should be open and honest and really enjoy there classes. If not then maybe try something else for awhile until they remember why they wanted to teach in the first place. "here`s to the life under the waves"
RAWalker - 12/19/2007 2:12 AM
I think there is often a difference in the attitude of instructors. To some it`s just a job and they want to get through it as fast as possible. Others consider it a very serious undertaking and may forget that people are learning to dive for recreation. It may be hard for some instructors to balance the seriousness of the dangers involved in the sport with the reality of it being a recreational pursuit that students may or may not take seriously.
AP - 12/18/2007 9:19 PM
Personally, I had a great experience with my OW, Adv and Master instructors. I`d like to think I was lucky, but I think most of you guys/gals are good, passionate instructors who want to teach, help, and most of all, encourage people in this sport. Like EVERYTHING else, you usually hear more about the bad news/people, and the good news/people go unsung. Well, my peeps were great, and I`ll sing it to whomever will listen!
MostestGanpa - 12/18/2007 2:27 PM
Thank you.... My instructor was a drill sargeant! A no nonsense type of guy but he left no stone unturned and if you looked like you had a question he would pull it out of you. he stressed safety above all. We guys can be full of pride and that will keep us from asking, especially in front of others so thanks for the pep talk... While I got you... I`m a certified nitrox diver and have dove nitrox twice and really don`t see and/or feel the difference compare to deep diving air... Is that unusual? Dive Well Maurice