Hi Divers, I`m recovered from my sinuses, thank you for all your messages and calls. To thank you all I wanted to plan a dive trip on the weekend of the 29th of September to central Florida. The idea is to hit the following sites: Ginnie Springs (dive fee S30.00 full gear rental $50.00, AIR $8-12) Blue Groto (dive fee $38.00, air tank $15.00) Devil`s Den (dive fee $35.00, gear and fee $71.00, air $7.00, camp site for tent or cabins rates are good and we`ll discuss after we know who is going). We`ll camp or get a cabin at Devil`s Den but we can decide that as soon as i get the official number of who is attending to this trip. Robert and Tami are a great couple that run the place and will accommodate us to their best (Thank you Tami). If you have your own gear it won’t coast you more than 110 to do all dives plus whatever extra air you might need. Foo and gas will be evenly divided so everyone has a fair share. Temperatures in the springs go from 72 degrees at 40-50feet and it might go down to 68 at 100-110 feet. We`ll be doing a the Ginnies or Blue Groto on Saturday as we arrive since they can go up to 100 + feet deep and night dive is available at Devil`s Den where we`ll stay overnight. Then last dive will be next day before heading back home. There are about 5 to 7 different sites to dive within all three springs but you don’t have to do all dives, you can hang out and help other divers as they get in the water for safety. We’ll have a BBQ to get to know everyone else. If you have any questions please let me know. I need your RSPV at least 3 days prior to the event so I can do proper reservations. Thank you for your interest and dive safe. Hernan “Monty”