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Scuba Articles > bluemist > Travel
Lake Rawlings
bluemist - 8/19/2007 10:25 AM
Went down to the lake on aug 12 & 13. Followed friends Larry and Linda down. My first time down there, it was about a three hour drive, or so. The diving was great. What i liked the most was the easy in and out of the lake. I used a small hand truck to strap my tank and bc on and wheeled it down to the water. With the dock there you can just back up into your bc. the clarity of the water was good and the temps were good. I was concerned i would get anxious since i hadnt been in the water since l...
Bahamas Bahamas
bluemist - 10/30/2006 12:00 AM
Stayed a week in the Bahamas. The weather was beautiful. Went with Black Beards, out of Freeport. Great diving, offering four dives a day. I was a little green the first couple of days, wore my dramamine patch......good thing....doubt i could have made it without it. Slept like a sardine but made it through. As you can tell it was my first dive trip. First time i was on a boat that long and first time i slept on one.....great experience.......