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Scuba Articles > Crowe > Travel
Anyone up for diving this weekend?
Crowe - 4/30/2008 10:03 PM
I can pick you up or we can meet here at my house and drive or I can meet you there. I would like to leave Friday afternoon / early evening. Willing to drive as far as Gainsville, FL. If we leave Friday, we can get to the dive site early Saturday morning, make 2 dives on Saturday and then drive back on Saturday night, or first thing on Sunday morning. I have to be back in Atlanta Sunday by noon so that I can pack and get ready fly to New York on Sunday night. I’m open to pretty much any dive sit...
Anyone up for diving this weekend?
Crowe - 4/30/2008 10:03 PM
I can pick you up or we can meet here at my house and drive or I can meet you there. I would like to leave Friday afternoon / early evening. Willing to drive as far as Gainsville, FL. If we leave Friday, we can get to the dive site early Saturday morning, make 2 dives on Saturday and then drive back on Saturday night, or first thing on Sunday morning. I have to be back in Atlanta Sunday by noon so that I can pack and get ready fly to New York on Sunday night. I’m open to pretty much any dive sit...
Anyone up for diving this weekend?
Crowe - 4/30/2008 10:02 PM
I can pick you up or we can meet here at my house and drive or I can meet you there. I would like to leave Friday afternoon / early evening. Willing to drive as far as Gainsville, FL. If we leave Friday, we can get to the dive site early Saturday morning, make 2 dives on Saturday and then drive back on Saturday night, or first thing on Sunday morning. I have to be back in Atlanta Sunday by noon so that I can pack and get ready fly to New York on Sunday night. I’m open to pretty much any dive sit...