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Scuba Articles > dream_mermaid > Travel
Reef check project in Vanuatu and PNG
dream_mermaid - 7/06/2008 11:16 PM
Hi, I have now made it to Brisbane AUstralia nd am excited to be leaving for Vanuatu in a few days. Thanks to all of you for your interest and suggestions. Below are the links to the project run by Chris Bone as well as a link to the sailing blog from the silboat Magic Roundabout that I will be joining. Stay well, Leila
Diving in Thailand
dream_mermaid - 4/28/2008 8:41 PM
Hi everyone! I have been having some of the best dives in my life. I came to Thailand to dive in the Similian and Surin islands with which I have been on maybe 6 times altogether. I cannot rave enough about the excellent staff most of which have worked for 7 years and the AMAZING diving. Jacque Cousteau named Richeleou Rock one of the top 10 dive sites when it was discovered. It never fails to impress. We saw 3 sea horses on one dive. There are ghost pipefish, angelfish,...