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Scuba Articles > FuzzieDives > Travel
Deleware river train wreck
FuzzieDives - 6/27/2008 9:00 PM
5/216/08 J.D invited some of us to the Deleware River to dive the train wreck and the columbia bridge site. So how could I refuse, one of my favorite dive sites (being a train guy, I get to combine 2 hobbies). It drizzled on us in the morning, but as the crew started to arrive the clouds parted and the sun even made an appearence. Good day getting wet. -Fuzzie...
Hearthstone campground
FuzzieDives - 6/21/2008 9:00 AM
Went to Hearthstone Campground last weekend. Perfect spot to pitch a tent, do a few dives, sit around the fire and tell war stories. Visibility ranged from 30 feet to 5 feet. The local instructors were doing openwater check outs. Fuzz...
Spring Warm-up Weekend
FuzzieDives - 4/28/2008 5:25 PM
Spring Warm-Up Weekend 4/27-2/28-2008 spent the weekned with a great bunch of peopel at Dutch Springs. Checked out my new pony bottle set up, and worked on my dry suit bouyancy. BBQ’d some burgers. Good dives, good people FuzzieOne...