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Scuba Articles > Sandrabramm > Travel
Winter Diving in Palm Beach Winter Diving in Palm Beach
Sandrabramm - 11/17/2008 8:16 PM
West Palm Beach diving during the winter months can be awesome. We are heading into the time of the year when the Lemon Sharks start to gather on a couple of our sites. As many as 30 Lemons can be see at one time on the dive site "Shasha" a wreck that lays in 90 ft of water. Water temps are still in the upper 70’s and visibility has been nice. We’ve also had several days over the past month that we have encountered Dolphins, and a Whale Shark was seen this past week between Jupiter and Lake Wort...
Bull Sharks on Princess Anne
Sandrabramm - 3/16/2008 10:40 PM
Had a great dive today on the Princess Anne althought the water temp was a little low and we only had about 40 ft of visibility. We were greeted by a large bull shark before we even hit the bottom, then saw several others in the area during our dive. Nobody was spearfishing so I wasn`t worried about them, but they were bold and made their presence known. Diving is WPB has been pretty good overall, we actually came back only 3 lobsters shy of having our groups limit, so the cold water has done so...
Lemon Sharks in Palm Beach
Sandrabramm - 1/24/2008 9:35 PM
Hello everyone! We`ve been seeing Lemon Sharks on several of our sites. Black Rock a reef that is in about 100ft had almost thirty of them this past weekend. The Shasha (wreck) had also a group of almost a dozen. This is a popular site in about 90ft, both sites are done by drift diving and are off of WPB. Lemons normal show up and stay for a few weeks, then just vanish again?? We`ve also seen more Bull Sharks then normal. Visibility yesterday was about 80 ft in 100 ft of water, great diving. Tak...
West Palm Beach Conditions
Sandrabramm - 12/08/2007 2:57 PM
Diving has been great over the past few days, with seas of less than 2 ft, a light to moderate current and 60-80 ft visibility. We`ve had great success with our lobster hunting, bagging our limit three days in a row (5 divers 6 lobster each), and we`ve also had some great marine life encounters. We sighted a Kemp Ridley`s turtle on the Govenors Walk, which is a rare sighting. Winter diving can be great...just remember to bring a sweatshirt or jacket for your surface interval....