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Scuba Articles > ErikDive1980 > Travel
Saipan, CNMI Saipan, CNMI
ErikDive1980 - 2/10/2008 6:29 AM
Well I went to Saipan, CNMI from 29 Jan till 03 Feb 2008 and it was awesome. The water temp was 82F at all depths and vis was 150+ft. Was able to do 6 dives to include a wreck dive and the number 2 cave dive in the world, the Grotto, totally worth it even though the surf was really rough....
South Korea South Korea
ErikDive1980 - 2/10/2008 6:28 AM
South Korea isn`t really a great dive spot but I figured I`d better check it out while i`m here. I went in May and it was really cold about 43F at the surface and 38F 50ft down. vis was 15ft maybe. Wasn`t a great dive but it got me in the water....