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Scuba Articles > Kirkpfeil > Educational
Diving Formulas
Kirkpfeil - 5/17/2007 12:00 AM
Here are some formula`s that I hope you all find as useful as I did. If you have any that you want to add, please do, it`s great for a referance library. Useful Relationships, Formulas, & Laws for Scuba Divers LENGTH: 1 inch 2.54 centimeters 0.0 139 fathoms 1 foot 0.3048 meters 0.1667 fathoms 1 yard 3 ft 0.9 144 meters 0.5 fathoms 1 fathom 6 ft 2 yards 1.8288 meters 0.0003289 leagues 1 statute mile 5280 ft 880 fathoms 1.609 km 0.2895 leagues 1 nautical mile 6080 ft 1013.3 fathoms 1.853 km 0.33 l...
DiveMaster Equip. Exchange Test
Kirkpfeil - 5/15/2007 12:00 AM
Would someone please help me understand this test!! Buddy breathing through the whole test is understandable; but I am struggling to understand the practical side of this test when it comes to yes exchanging all of the equipment. I understand most tests that we`ve had to due up to this point but as for me; this test should be eliminated or "exchanged" with an other test....
MASK on top of head?
Kirkpfeil - 4/25/2007 12:00 AM
I am seeing more and more (including some dive manufactures advertising) divers when not wearing their mask; placing their mask up on the forehead/top of head. Is this not a sign of a distressed diver. Some of small things are extremely important and should be stressed more adimately. I am frusterated by a world of signals that we have a tendancy to be inconsistant with those very signals. Shouldn`t we be placing them around our neck if we don`t want to wear them? Or am I mis-informed? Happy and...
5 Point Descent/Ascent...Back to the Basics
Kirkpfeil - 4/03/2007 12:00 AM
Descent Signal Orientation Regulator Time Deflate/Descent SORT-D or SORTED if you add in Equalization Ascent Signal Time Deflator (in hand ready to vent) Reach (with deflator) Rotate (and look up) STDRR or Studder...
Dive Master Stamina Test Breakdown
Kirkpfeil - 3/23/2007 12:00 AM
As a DiveMaster Candidate I was wanting to know the test breakdown so I would know about what my goals should be. I hope this is helpful for someone else as it was for me. 400 yard swim no aids such as fins, snorkel or mask using any stroke or combo of strokes) 6 minutes or less = 5 pts 6 - 8 minutes = 4 pts 8 - 10 minutes = 3 pts 10 - 12 minutes = 2 pts 12 minutes = 1 pt 15 minute water tread (using no aids, hands must be out of water for last 2 minutes) Perform satisfactorily = 5 pts Stayed af...
Kirkpfeil - 3/23/2007 12:00 AM
I have heard of few instances of Boat/Diver accidents and/or near misses. Know the law not only will keep you safer but can help you educate others...Very cool spreading the news of SAFTEY is a very good thing. Section: SCUBA Dive Law As divers, we are expected to share the water with boaters and this sometimes leads to conflict. The purpose of a dive flag is, basically, to warn boats to avoid the area where divers are underwater. Seems like a simple premise, but ignorance, conflision, and/or re...