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Scuba Articles > Coho > Educational
Swimming with weight - why is it so hard?
Coho - 10/30/2007 9:59 PM
What do folks know about the mechanics of swimming with weight? A couple days ago I was swimming a short distance to a platform for a pumpkin-carving contest. Because pumpkins float, I had with me a second weight belt, which I hooked over the weight belt I was wearing. I expected it to be a little awkward, but I was surprised that I made very little headway forward, either on the surface or underwater. Why would this be? I eventually got out there (maybe 30 feet from shore), but it took a *lot* ...
Surviving when Lost at Sea
Coho - 9/26/2007 12:45 PM
Since someone else just posted a warning about getting lost at sea, it seems worthwhile to post this link to a Surface Survival Primer. It may be old news to some, but better twice than not at all.