Going Bubbleless
Well I did it. I bought a Megalodon CCR. It should be here by the end of next week and hopefully I`ll be in training to learn how to use it shortly after. I can`t wait to see what it`s like to dive with no noise except for the sound of your own breathing. No more bubbles. I`ll add some pictures and post a bit on what`s like once I`m in training. Scott...
Maybe going bubbleless
I`ve been wanting to switch to a closed circuit rebrether aka CCR for quite some time but the cost has always kept me from taking the bubbleless plunge. $6000 to $15000 has always made me think twice but I had a chance to talk to Richie Kohler (Deep Sea Detectives) at DEMA (The Diving Equipment Marketing Association trade show)this year about his new Evolution CCR by Ambient Pressure Diving. His comments peaked my interest again and after running a few number on how much money I`ll save on breat...