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Scuba Articles > AP > Other
What are you PASSIONATE about? What are you PASSIONATE about?
AP - 12/03/2007 5:49 PM
One of the things I`ve realized in life it that there`s more to people than what meets the eye. Recently during a big office meeting, the speaker - a firm member - didn`t know many in the audience, and asked everyone to introduce themselves and say a word about what they are "passionate" about. Although I knew most of the people in the room, I quickly realized I didn`t know much ABOUT them, and was surprised by many of the responses! As I am sure a few were surprised about mine! For most of us h...
NJ dive club report NJ dive club report
AP - 11/27/2007 7:00 PM
I didn`t want to message all of my buddies with this, because some are not from Jersey. I mentioned to a few buddies that I was going to check out a couple local dive clubs, and they asked for a `report`, so here is tis! Okay, so I went to the Divers Anonymous dive club meeting last night. There were about 15 people, mostly older guys (one lady and a few young guys), which is typical. They usually get around 20, and there are 40+ total members. They were very welcoming and everyone seemed pretty...