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Scuba Articles > TheDude > Personal
Updated Equipment
TheDude - 2/17/2007 12:00 AM
Thanks to a few great family members and friends, Christmas this year was a blast. I got an Aeris Atmos 2 wrist computer, a new Mares reg setup with octo and spg. It was quite a surprise. I`m all set now, ready to dive right now....but its snowing :(...
New Equip...
TheDude - 9/12/2006 12:00 AM
So I finally broke down and purchased my own gear. I have been using a friends extra setup because I couldn`t justify buying my own gear for only a few dives a year. However, I have found myself more excited about diving and wanting to go as much as possible so I figured I might as well invest in my own gear. The only thing I have left to buy is my own tanks and a regulator setup. I`m stoked for my trip to Miami in October. My best friends Dad has a 47ft motor yacht in Miami so we are going to s...