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Scuba Articles > Pyrifera > Personal
Moving Northward
Pyrifera - 9/07/2010 6:03 PM
So finally have had enough of the San Francisco Bay Area and am moving up into Oregon. Scio to be precise - 58 acre farm. Total life change for me. But... still going to dive and so I am posting this in the hope that any Oregon folks in that general Northern OR area comment with dive clubs, dive sites, dive shop recommendations etc. Thanks in advance. E...
Finally Gave In to the Drysuit lure
Pyrifera - 11/16/2009 1:26 PM
After years of diving in the less-than-warm waters of Monterey Bay I finally gave in to the prodding of my drysuit-wearing friends and got one too. It had always been a little bit of a badge of honor to comment to students something along the lines of "50 degree water is NOT ’cold’... it is chilly" and truly, that was mostly the case. I also was fond of pointing out that "I can pee with impunity" (in a wetsuit) to which my drysuit-wearing friends could only shrug their shoulders and nod in begru...
The Eyes Aren’t What They Used To Be The Eyes Aren’t What They Used To Be
Pyrifera - 8/11/2009 11:04 AM
I finally had to admit to myself that, despite my admiration for my Suunto D9, it is finally time to move on. Not that it does anything wrong - the problem is with my 40+ year old eyes. Kinda disconcerting to not be able to read the LCD of the device I use to not get injured or die so needed something with a bigger face and characters. Will miss the nice, neat, small package that made the transition from under to above water so seamlessly but also relieved to be able to see water temp, remaining...
Sea Lion Die-off throughout CA Sea Lion Die-off throughout CA
Pyrifera - 8/09/2009 11:34 PM
Just uploaded a few pics of Sea Lions that have recently been coming ashore in DROVES down in Monterey, CA. Marine Mammal Center is collecting about 20 a day to take back and rehab because of starvation issues. Sadly, once in the water one is exposed to DOZENS of Sea Lion corpses littering the sea floor in various states of decomposition - some look like they’re peacefully sleeping while others are covered with Starfish and crabs being recycled. Apparently there was a larger then average birthin...