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Scuba Articles > AVN > Personal
Lobster Hunting
AVN - 8/01/2006 12:00 AM
Lobster season is upon us again. If you would like to insure a successful lobster trip please drop me a line....
May 21st Dive
AVN - 5/22/2006 12:00 AM
We had a new diver join us for a dive trip on Sunday. The weather was perfect. We dove off the June and Jupiter ledges. Vis was 70 to 80`, surface water temp was 75 and on the bottom it was 69 (burrr). Air temp was 83 and it was very sunny. Max depth was 78’. I`m still having difficulties transitioning from lobster season, but now I can relax and just enjoy the scenery. During lobster season, we never visit the ledges or wrecks, so nice to see the other side of the reef. The Juno and Jupiter led...