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Dive Log > DonFostersDive > Eagle Ray Rock
Mon, November 19, 2012
Dives: 1
Bottom Time: 37 minutes
Max Depth: 91-100ft/28-30m
Avg Viz: 91-100ft/28-30m
Water Temp: 81-85°F/27-29°C
Weight: 0
Exposure Suit: Shorty - 3 (Boots)
Tank Type: AL - 80cf/11L
Gas Type: Air
Dive Type: Boat
Dive Buddy:   Guests of Don Foster’s Dive
Eagle Ray Rock
Georgetown, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Water Type: Salt
Entry Type: Boat
Beautiful dive today: We crossed the top of the reef at around 60ft and descended to the sand on the southern side of the coral pinnacle. Spotted 4 gorgeous Queen Angelfish and a Hawksbill Turtle, before entering the split/canyon of the reef and following it through to the northern side of the pinnacle. Explored the next coral pinnacle, finding Lionfish, Arrow Crabs and Banded Shrimp, and enjoying shoals of Goatfish and Creole Wrasse, before heading back to the mooring pin and seeing a Southern stingray out in the sand, being shadowed by a hungry Bar Jack.