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Dive Log > bennyO > Okinawa, Japan
Sat, February 18, 2023
Dives: 3
Bottom Time: 81 minutes
Max Depth: 51-60ft/16-18m
Avg Viz: 31-35ft/9-11m
Water Temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C
Weight: 16
Exposure Suit: Fullsuit - 5 (Gloves, Boots)
Tank Type: AL - 80cf/11L
Gas Type: Air
Dive Type: Boat
Dive Buddy: Greg Davis (Greg)   
Other Dive Site: Ukibaru
Okinawa, Japan
Water Type: Salt
Entry Type: Shore
Cool site, aluminum alligator with hula hoop obstacle course
16lbs seems a tad heavy, try 15next.

The TUSA Zensee mask is absolutely awesome. Great mask, burning it seems to have done great stuff for fogging.

Figure out what’s going on w dive lock-out. Watch locked me out of diving for 24hrs even though dove tables were good, and I was back to PG A at the end of my SI