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Dive Log > bennyO > Pattaya
Mon, July 31, 2023
Dives: 2
Bottom Time: 86 minutes
Max Depth: 91-100ft/28-30m
Avg Viz: 21-25ft/6-8m
Water Temp: Over 85°F/29°C
Weight: 10
Exposure Suit: Fullsuit - 3 (Gloves, Boots)
Tank Type: AL - 80cf/11L
Gas Type: Air
Dive Type: Wreck, Boat, Deep
Other Dive Site: HTMS Kut; Koh Sak
Water Type: Salt
Entry Type: Boat
Wreck penetration into HTMS Kut, Drift dive along Koh Sak.
Dingy water, but tons of marine life. The wreck was increcible and full of fish. Drift was almost ruined by poor visibility until the last 15 minutes when it was exceptionally clear.