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The Madiana - Bermuda

The Madiana is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in Bermuda. The maximum depth is 31-35ft/9-11m. The average visibility is 81-90ft/25-27m.

1908 - British Passenger Liner

Photo The Madiana was built in 1877 and was a one of a new breed of iron hulled trans-atlantic passenger/light cargo ships, measuring 344 feet and 8 inches in length. On the night of February 10, 1903 and captained by Roderick Frazer, The Madiana was en route from New York to the West Indies with passengers and a general cargo. according to reports from passengers, the ship was threading her way through a narrow channel leading to Bermuda’s uppermost reef system.

The Captain, who decided the light from North Rock was actually St David’s Lighthouse, altered course and crashed The Madiana on the reef just west of North Rock. He was unaware that an accident had destroyed some of the reflectors on Gibb’s Hill Lighthouse. This lighthouse normally has a revolving light, but on the night of the February 10th 1903 the broken reflectors had been replaced by tin, which frequently grew smoky causing the appearance of a "fixed light". The bottom of the ship’s hull and keel now sit 25 feet below the surface. The Marine Board found Captain Frazer guilty of negligence, this was later over ruled by the British Board Of Trade.

Atop this collection of hull plates and bulkheads, are her two boilers and her massive 18 inch diameter propeller shaft.

Wreck Certificate
Madiana is one of the wreck sites featured in the Bermuda Shipwreck Certificate Program

Divemasters Notes
As The Madiana and The Caraquet, are only about one half mile apart, they are usually dived as a two tank dive. During World War 2 an attempt to salvage parts from The Madiana was made. Her engine is gone now, but her twin boilers remain. The wreck lies in about 30 feet of water with the stern overhanging a large sand hole. Visibility tends to be excellent, Averaging between 80 and 100 feet.

The wreck lies very close to the main reef line, which gives the opportunity to explore both wreck and reef. Due to the shallow depth, ample bottom times are common. Look out for many Lobster and schools of Jacks and Grunts. Stay close to the wreckage and navigation becomes simple too, but even though The Caraquet is close, don’t attempt to find it. I assure you, you won’t. I didn’t!!!!!!!


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