Aquapest - 9/20/2021 12:03 AM
The latest from WFMZ-TV...

"Developer who wants to build warehouses at Dutch Springs site rejects offer of swap, Northampton County executive says"


"Northampton County reviews East Allen land purchase but is ’out’ of Dutch Springs"


...and The Morning Call...

"Northampton County offer to acquire Dutch Springs aqua park quarry rejected. Private bidders hope to save it for divers," dated September 16, 2021:


A story regarding PADI’s involvement from Dive News Wire...

"PADI Leads Efforts to Preserve Diver Access at Dutch Springs," dated August 26, 2021:


Finally, a link to PADI’s white paper , dated August 13, 2021, highlighting the economic impact of Dutch Springs and its importance to the dive community:
