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Help to post Colorado Dive Site
joerunr - 11/06/2015 10:39 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 1

Hiya Greg, I am new to and would like to post a dive site in Colorado. I have been seeking information about Officer’s Gulch Pond between Frisco and Copper Mountain, and in looking I found this website. I did not find any info on the depth and terrain within the pond. However, it occured to me that the information and experience that I have had in Lake Pueblo, Colorado might help some other Colorado divers. So, I would like to post this information and don’t know how to do it. I would like to add a panorarmic photo to the description of the dive site. If you could help me with this, I would appreciate it.
Best regards, Joe Stommel.
Greg - 11/07/2015 10:14 AM
Hello Joe, thank you for your interest in adding content to our dive site section.

It’s easy to add a new dive site, simply visit the dive site section on and click "Add Dive Site" in the top right Member Control Panel. Then fill out the fields on the new dive site form.

You can also edit an existing dive site by visiting a specific divesite on then click "Edit Dive Site" from the top right Member Control Panel.

Click the Upload Photo link in the top left of a dive site profile to add new photos.