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Profile Comments > Greg
Puddlejumper22 - 8/09/2024 1:39 AM
Cannot figure out why my profile Pic does not stick?
Bubblesforever - 10/19/2023 10:56 AM
Hello Greg. How are you ? I’m new to the site... about 2 days new. Just wondering ( why ) I can’t send messages to members on here ?

Thank you.
RedFeatherDiver - 4/02/2022 1:40 PM
thanks for the add, I live in southeast Oklahoma and travel to Texas regularly to dive
FinsontheBayou - 2/02/2022 10:51 PM
Hi Greg, thanks for the add. 🤿 Kathy
Jill1346 - 1/21/2022 1:41 AM
Hi I can’t send messages & can’t get my profile photo to upload. I’m in Bonaire 2/5-2/12/22 hoping to connect with other divers.
Jenny777 - 10/10/2021 12:21 PM
Hi there. I am a newbie here in Central Virginia.
alanfever - 3/08/2021 12:13 PM
Hi Greg, I see that you are in Texas. I am new to but am always interested in diving with other people. When you are in South Florida give me a call and we can try to arrange some dives together. You can also check out my dive club, USA Dive Club, the website is and attend our meetings on Zoom or even consider going on one of our overseas trips. Hope to dive with you in South Florida some time. For more info on our dive club check out the website or give me a call at (561)674-4300, Eastern Standard Time.
DarrenBach - 1/07/2021 1:23 PM
Hi, was there something offensive about my profile photo...I see others showing turtles, etc? This is an actually shot of parrot fish and not doctored. Your thoughts, please!
R - 12/06/2020 7:09 PM
Hay Greg i can’t seem to message anyone directly we are going to be in Florida at the end of December and the 1st week of January we were hoping to connect with some divers and make a few new friends. Can you help out with my profile and messaging potential dive buddies. Thanks Eric Rutledge
Muckenhaupt - 10/04/2020 2:53 PM
Hey Greg, in SE Florida if you get out this way, excellent reef dives.
Luaulucy - 9/19/2019 8:04 AM
Thank you and Happy Diving..I love it it’s addicting. Free dived all my life til now I’m a scuba nut..alot easier to catch lobster and spearfish this way. Taking Advanced this weekend..flying back to key West next week get some more dives in there.
Jenny777 - 10/10/2021 12:22 PM
Hi Luaulucy. That is so awesome. I need to kick it up a gear and go places.
MermaidDiver - 6/24/2019 6:08 PM
Hey! Thanks for accepting me. How was your weekend?
Pjgiverc - 5/08/2019 10:54 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome!!
lilT06 - 4/27/2019 4:36 PM
Thanks for the add
NinoB - 3/13/2019 9:05 PM
Hi Greg. Noticed ScubaSiren63’s note. I understand some divers have had mixed results at Stillhouse Hollow Lake, near Belton, TX. I’m curious to see what it’s near where I live, having just ’recertified’ this past Fall. Our club has scheduled a dive at Blue Lagoon in April. Keeping fingers crossed on conditions. With all the lakes we’ve got here, I’m looking forward to some awesome diving.
PDXMike - 2/21/2019 4:23 PM
Greg, I am going to Kauai, HI March 30th - April 5th, 2019. I want to post looking for a dive buddy in there area or recommendations on a boat dive. How do I post that in the Buddy Wanted forum?
Diver1371 - 12/28/2018 11:50 AM
Hi Greg! Thank you for your acceptance.
ScubaSiren63 - 9/26/2018 12:17 AM
Hi Greg! What type of interesting diving do you have in Texas? I am up here in the muddy midwest :)

Greg - 9/26/2018 9:11 AM
We got our share of muddy spots as well. But a few nice places too. Like the Comal River, Blue Lagoon, Spring Lake, and of course the Flower Gardens in the Gulf.
MrDwhite - 7/07/2018 10:47 PM
Greg, I got certified OW this past April 13, 2018, in Maui. I am currently reading and studying for for Advanced OW in Oahu, with Gabe Scotti, Kaimana Divers. I will also be taking a Nitros class during this period. Gabe says he doesn’t have the staff to certify me for the Navigation and Search & Recovery courses. By any chance, do you know of anyone that you would recommend. Thx
PADI4LIFE - 8/20/2018 9:44 PM
MrDwhite, Just a suggestion, but as you are a recently certified diver, one of the best things to do is just go diving. Gain as much time underwater and in different environments. The AOW is a good next step choice. I suggest around 10 dives between certs. This way you can practice what you have learned.
Diving_Granpa - 2/27/2018 3:40 AM
Hi Greg, Great site. I’m just curious why my profile picture keeps disappearing? Put it in and it’s there for a short while then I need to do it again. Am I missing something here?
Greg - 5/04/2018 5:29 PM
No, I can see it. You may just need to refresh your web browser cache.