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Profile Comments > Magdalena
Greg - 12/08/2013 4:19 PM
Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!
Greg - 8/08/2011 4:57 PM
Sure do miss having you around DiveBuddy. You still diving?


UWnewbee - 12/05/2009 8:28 PM
UWnewbee - 11/30/2009 6:14 AM
Saltspray - 6/10/2009 11:20 PM

Thanks for the nice comments. I will be adding pictures very soon. The Rating Club idea what a great way to make everyone feel welcome and start a dialog.
Aquaman247 - 5/27/2009 10:34 PM


Thanks for the shark n turtle compliments. This quarry jump was very thought out before I made that jump. I checked the depth, made sure of good footing and locked my hand behind my head in case of the tank shifting. Gotta admit, though, my butt was a bit puckered! LOL
FCS-Diver - 5/15/2009 7:41 AM
Thanks...always fun to have the kids in the water
GrahamMM - 5/14/2009 1:28 AM
Hey no problem. Where do you reside ?
GrahamMM - 5/14/2009 1:12 AM
Greetings, sorry I took so long to answer, still trying to work out how to do things on this answer you.
Not too deep, 23 m but water temp 29 deg C, Phuket Thailand.
Be well.
DIVERDOC1 - 5/10/2009 9:08 PM
haha, yes I was having a hard time putting on my BC !!

thanks for the rating.
scubaclay - 5/10/2009 5:43 PM

I rate as much as I can, and try to be nice even if I don’t like what I see. The video was done by one of my students, who is just getting into video and editing. He does nice work with very poor subject matter, Ha Ha

Nautibeagle - 5/05/2009 8:24 PM

Thanks for your comment. There is a story behind what is in the photo. It is not actually chinese but hebrew. My last dive buddy, started teaching me hebrew, so I labeled the photos to show him how much I’ve learned.
eDiver - 5/05/2009 10:51 AM
it is a scuba diving simulator.

You can get it at
Torpedo - 5/05/2009 5:34 AM

Thank you. It’s our new way of our work. I hope that we ( will prepare new and better and better images and video than till now ;-)

Argonaut - 4/19/2009 12:17 AM

Hey at least I dated it April 1st for a clue, haha! But Thanks.
whitepointer - 4/18/2009 2:31 PM
thanks for the comments. yes i do love the water. i think when God created me he wanted me to be a fish and then changed his mind at the last minute and made me human, i simply love the water. i feel so at home in it. when i first learned to dive i was a little fearful, not of the water but what was out there in the water with us, but now i do not even think about that! i am glad you liked my photos. they were all taken here in Guam. I just started doing U/W photography so bear with the pictures, hopefully as time goes on i will get better at it. thanks for stopping by.
:-) Todd
BonnieSeymour - 4/18/2009 4:45 AM
That pic was at the Blue Heron bridge in West Palm Beach Florida. Only about 10 - 12 feet down. I can’t believe there is so much to see in such shallow water. My boyfriends camera is a Cannon Rebel XT and he’s got 2 ikelight strobes on it. He takes some awesome pics with that thing. Have a great day!!
ehaleng - 4/17/2009 1:21 AM
Saudi is deffinatly the place to do some adventure diving, very few people that dive here and nice warm, clear water.
scubasue09 - 4/16/2009 10:33 AM
thanks! just wish his mouth had been open...oh well...gotta keep doing it until I get it right! :)
neptunemd - 4/15/2009 11:44 PM
thanks! my first ghost pipefish ever!