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Profile Comments > LoDamon
CanuckDiver - 2/20/2010 11:20 PM
Happy Birthday!
Emsdiver28341 - 2/21/2009 3:36 PM
WCReefers - 2/10/2009 1:37 PM

Have a great birthday. Dive safe.



west coast reefers dive club


dalehall - 2/07/2009 5:57 AM
Hope you have a great upcoming birthday..
DrDuck - 10/15/2008 11:41 AM
Congrats on your research/scientific cert; That’s awasome. I will be brining my new dive buddy to Monteray (my 10 year old son) for his first ocean dive. I’ll e-mail you when I get dates set.
ScubaMike - 3/19/2008 3:00 AM
Aloha...Now were is the pictures?? You should have a bunch of em.
polarbear - 3/18/2008 2:19 PM
hey thanx for the add. michael
DarkDiver - 3/06/2008 6:35 PM
Thanks for the Add !!!
Mcgyver4739 - 2/20/2008 8:22 PM
Hope you have a great B-DAY

dalehall - 2/20/2008 2:53 AM
Hope you have a great birthday tomorrow!! **D**
stitches - 2/18/2008 10:13 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Best wishes.
scubagalhottie - 2/15/2008 8:15 AM
Happy Birthday!! Hope its great! Don`t party too hard! LOL
dalehall - 2/13/2008 5:05 AM
Thanks for the add!! Happy diving!! **D**
CaliforniaKeith - 1/19/2008 12:35 AM
hey ur online right now go to the chat room??
CaliforniaKeith - 1/14/2008 12:09 PM
Welcome!!! Have you dove our Channel Islands yet?? I have some blogs about our islands here.
Q8Diver - 1/14/2008 1:35 AM
Helloo from Kuwait & Welcome to divebuddy :)
DownUnderAZ - 1/12/2008 5:35 PM
Thanks for the add!! Hope to see you around :} Nick
kenM - 1/10/2008 9:23 AM
Hello Lauren and Welcome to Divebuddy!!!
DownUnderAZ - 1/10/2008 8:43 AM
Welcome Aboard!! See you around!!:)Nick
sbar1958 - 1/10/2008 8:39 AM
Welcome to Divebuddy and hello from Oklahoma.