Turtle biting snorkel
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Comments: 6
Turtle biting snorkel


aggiediver69 - 7/05/2013 6:21 AM
No...he is saving the snorkeler’s life lol!!!
Eric_R - 7/02/2013 5:37 PM
Yup, Photoshopped.
RichKeller - 7/02/2013 3:16 PM
I would have thought it was photo shopped too had I not seen this video first.

Eric_R - 7/02/2013 3:22 PM
I’m basing it on the turtle on his forehead.
Eric_R - 7/02/2013 5:04 AM
Photoshopped but still funny.:)
ARIK_KATZENBERG - 7/02/2013 12:51 AM