Octopus stuffed inside a turkey and garnished with crab legs and bacon
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Category: Funny
Comments: 9
Octopus stuffed inside a turkey and garnished with crab legs and bacon


pntballer - 2/06/2014 9:21 AM
looks like a scifi movie reject
pharo - 1/17/2014 3:42 PM
Beacon touch just to spice things up lol
AndyBSmith - 1/15/2014 4:36 PM
Some of my favorite foods, and so very wrong..... I think I saw someone shoot this on the Sci-fi channel.....
Thunderdiver - 1/15/2014 10:45 AM
I would like to know who ate it?
Eric_R - 1/14/2014 7:52 PM
looks like a train wreck! Who’s eating who.
RichKeller - 1/14/2014 4:27 PM
This looks like something out of one of the Alien movies!
Vectornut - 1/14/2014 1:43 PM
So that would be...an Octurcrabon?
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/14/2014 2:16 PM
Remind me not to go to Greg house on Thanksgiving!
Greg - 1/14/2014 2:22 PM
Octurcrabon! I love it.