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Photos > redsealover > Divers
surface interval, between diving the golden blocks and the moray garden, Dahab, South sinai, Egypt
Moray garden, right direction.Dahab, South Sinai, egypt
playing games underwater... moray garden, Dahab.
Bells Blue hole, going down through teh chemeny, it’s ammazing, you should do it one day... Dahab
planing a dive , the full canyon of Dahab, entry at 35 m and exit at 52.
blue hole, Dahab, South sinai, Egypt
this is my instructor, Hesham El Bahtiti:) thanks a lot man, you deserve the best
before Diving the light house of Dahab 2006
getting ready for a nice night dive
the cave in Samadai, Marsa alam, egypt
erg el torfa, deep south, wgypt,,, these two fishes were following us during the whole 55 min dive .
Samadai cave, Marsa alam
Abu Dabab, deep south, Egypt... hey ... you should seemy turtle friend, she’s ammazing
on the beach, Lagoona of Dahab
somewhere on the beach of sinai, between Dahab and neweibaa
before diving the three pols
:)south of dahab, three pols
Wadi Gunai, Aquaba gulf
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