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Probably the worst entry/exit point in the world
Mmmmm lets dive in Brighton, the waters as clear as algebra
blue hole, gozo
meine deutsche buddy Dr. Annett
malta - brain coral
malta - exiting with Dee DM
cirkewwa swimthru and Gary
Gozo - wall and random divers
cirkewwa malta
cirkewwa malta
FISH! rainbow wrasse???
blue hole gozo, entry point
blue hole gozo, stripy yellow fish
spiny lobster malta
cirkewwa, er..brown fish...
blue hole gozo
cirkewwa, malta
cirkawwa malta
cirkewwa malta, throw yourself in, its only a 3m drop
soft corals cirkewwa malta
Hel in Rozi tug malta deck at 30m
red cardinal fish, malta