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Wil from Longview WA | Scuba Diver

Hello my name is Wil. I received my Open Water Cert. 02/97 and then went on to my Advanced O/W Cert. 04/97, Followed by my Rescue and MFA Diver Cert. 09/97. (Though I never quite finished my Rescue test... Dummy!). I started my Diving Career @ The Oregon Undersea Gardens in Newport, OR. and advanced to Senior Diver, was there a total of 5 yrs. I am Passionate about diving! I’m looking to get back in the water (Where I feel like I belong) soon, so, If you are in my area look me up :o)


Greg - 2/05/2007 12:00 AM
I have thought about a chat room...but I want to wait until I get a few 1000 more members so the chat room stays busy...otherwise it looks bad if there are only a couple of people talking. I have nearly 2000 members now. Thanks for the reply. Later man.
Greg - 2/03/2007 12:00 AM
Hey man, thanks for creating such a cool layout! Let me know if you need anything.
jeff98208 - 1/29/2007 12:00 AM
hi diver wil. that is cool. hope to swim with the fishes with you some time. i just added you to my buddy list as well.