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billy from Astoria NY | Scuba Diver


Hello, Im Billy. Im 26 and just got into diving. I donr have any friends here in NY that dive so im looking for some Dive Buddy’s. I have a car and wont mind some travel. I just wanna get out there and Dive


muddog357 - 8/22/2009 9:53 AM
Thanks for adding me to your Dive buddy list
badintexas - 8/19/2009 10:58 AM
Hey Billy! Thanks for joining DiveBuddy! You should add your number of dives, etc when you have a second. There’s a cool scuba convention (Beneath the Sea) in Secaucus, NJ early next year. Greg usually tries to make it out to meet lots of DiveBuddy members. I know that it’s several months away but I just thought I’d mention it. Take care and I’m sure you’ll meet some great people on here to dive with! Just get active with it when you have free time! Becky