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Robin from   | Scuba Diver

Hi everyone I’ve been diving for about 3 years now and have about 40 dives or so. I got my open water in Punta Cana followed by getting my Advanced in Sharm el sheikh, Egypt the Red Sea that’s where majority of my dives have been what a spectacular place to dive lots of bright coloured corals and marine life highlight was diving with 4 hammerheads for majority of a 50min dive incredible!

Last year went down to Key West Fl and dove the U.S.S Vandenberg in September followed by a trip down to Playa del carmen Mexico for a week in March with my girlfriend. She surprised me with becoming a certified diver she had been doing the PADI online course the week leading up to the trip I had no idea!! We did a few dives together throughout the week but they were just her practical underwater portions of the course. Her & our first official dive the Cenotes an amazing experience!

Jan 2013 we’re heading back to Mexico this time Cozumel to explore all the good things we’ve heard about it really looking forward to it.

We are always looking to travel especially if there’s the potential for a few dives looking for anyone and everyone to be dive buddies with.