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Jason from Clearwater FL | Scuba Diver

Relatively experienced freediver (lots of theory with only moderate practice for the past 9 years or so). Never had regular access to depth or buddies, though, so am only recently working on depth. First day training for depth I did 16.7m (55 ft) very comfortably. Maxed out Troy Spring at 23m (74 ft). Should be doing 30m (100 ft) as soon as I can get somewhere deep enough.

Have lived in Orlando in the past and recently moved back to Florida from St. Louis. Finally got my open-sea kayak down here and did an offshore trip to a VERY shallow reef off of Key Largo. If you’re comfortable in a kayak, there’s room for two and 5 miles is do-able with twin engines (you being one of them and me the other). If not, I will gladly share gas or charter out to artificial reefs, wrecks, or Middle Ground with safety-conscious fellow freedivers (no cowboys).

Have freedived Puerto Rico (2x), Aruba (2x), Bonair, Troy Spring (FL), Blue Spring (FL), Jug Spring (FL), several sites in the Gulf.

PFI Certified Freediver (Performance Freediving International). Planning to take the intermediate PFI class this June.

Speak fluent Spanish. Lived in Spain for two years when much younger. Have traveled extensively in Europe, Central/South America, and Caribbean: Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, England, Morocco, Mexico, Argentina, Canada, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Haiti. Have connections in Jamaica for accommodations, but only certain times of the year.


Greg - 10/23/2013 1:07 PM
What are you testing?
JasonP - 10/23/2013 6:40 PM
Embedded HTML in a reply. Noticed that carriage return is stripped out and was wondering if a "br" would stay intact. It didn’t. Thanks for deleting the topic. I would have done that myself, but there’s no such option on the user interface for whatever reason.
Greg - 10/23/2013 7:51 PM
If you choose to edit a forum topic, there is a delete link towards the bottom. I try to limit custom html as best as possible, trying to keep things looking clean.
JasonP - 10/24/2013 11:05 AM
Aha! I see it now. I’ve been spoiled by the automatic show/hide links for deletes and replies and didn’t even think to look for the "Edit" button. Thanks for the tip!