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Sandra from Murfreesboro TN | Scuba Diver

Long time (18years) DWF who is not new to scuba but decades away from it. I am taking a crash course to get certified and plan to complete the open water portions in the caribbean next week.(4/12-4/21) Wish I had a dive buddy to go with me. I am retired and love to travel. I have too many hobbies and interests. I stay busy and active all the time. I`m a fun junkie and laugh junkie. I just gotta be having fun. I even find something funny about cutting my yard. Now is that a hoot or what? hahahahahahaa Some of my stay at home interests, when I have time to stay at home, are woodworking, gardening (after I pull up the weeds), bonsai, sewing, and a bunch of other stuff. I winter in FL. I leave TN in the fall and live in a condo across the street from the beach on Old Scenic 98 in Destin. I love to walk barefoot in the surf on those crystal white sand beaches. I`m an avid walker. It helps to keep my girlie figure. lol While I`m in FL I make a lot of pottery and go on cruises. Well, I`m glad you took time to read my little message here and I hope you take a little more time and write to me. Have fun and SMILE!