Robert - rdivis
Winder GA
48 years old
Joined On: 7/31/2007
Last Login: 11/05/2008
Experience: Novice
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Habits: Private
Relationship: Married
Children At Home: No
Company: Dolphin Dive Center, Athens, Ga
I`m a former airborne infantry officer in the US Army. I`m retired now (for injuries, and enjoying my pension - I`m 31 years old, don`t let the retirement fool you!) and trying to build bottom time, diving as a pastime and hobby. I`m available just about any day of the week, and up for just about anything, as long as my buddies are safe. I don`t care about exerience as much as attitude. I`m particularly interested in marine life, and in acquiring experiences that I can import into education curricula for middle-school life science. I would really like to work towards assembling an interdisciplinary program on sharks to coincide with one of the dissection labs that students do in 7th grade, and would like to do some shark diving to that end - however, at this point, I am interested in anything that I can handle with my experience level. I`d also like to create a unit on Gray`s Reef and Georgia`s coastal waters, an ecosystem that fascinates me. To that end I`d like to dive Gray`s Reef as many times as I can. I have friends in Brunswick and visit there regularly. I enjoy fossil diving and have recovered some fine specimens from the Cooper River, and have a very popular unit that I take into earth science classrooms around the state. I always enjoy fossil diving, which is excellent in the coastal GA and SC area. I`m willing to help others in the north Georgia/Piedmont/Atlanta area with transportation (over land), even to pay gas on anyone who comes with me as a buddy to, well, anywhere we can get in a car, and to split any other costs (such as lodging, charters, etc.) in a fair manner. Feel free to contact me. Happy diving!