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Henrietta from Chandler AZ | Scuba Diver



WCReefers - 2/06/2009 6:21 PM

Have a Great Birthday


West Coast Reefers Dive Club


AirOn - 4/14/2008 1:18 AM
Its a pit bull... No matter what she tells everyone it

Her and James are joining me in May for the San Carlos trip. Anyone else game? :-)
Hels - 4/11/2008 5:01 AM
Your dog totally looks like Scoobs...that’s if he is a dog, and not a small horse, a i suspect.
Mcgyver4739 - 2/14/2008 12:29 AM
Hope you have a great B-DAY!! Tony
DownUnderAZ - 1/13/2008 2:08 AM
Thanks for the add!! Hope to see you around :} Nick
NWKatShark - 12/14/2007 6:46 PM
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
kenM - 11/14/2007 3:37 PM
Welcome to divebuddy!!
harleydiver - 11/06/2007 2:51 PM
Welcome to, Go GATORS!