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Timm from Hutchinson MN | Scuba Diver



kenM - 1/08/2008 8:45 AM
Hello Timm and welcome to divebuddy!!!
harleydiver - 1/01/2008 4:37 PM
Happy New Year. Welcome to Go GATORS!
ReefMan - 1/01/2008 3:08 PM
Cool....they do have a good program... I wish you the best in the coarse!!!
ReefMan - 1/01/2008 3:05 PM
ReefMan - 1/01/2008 3:04 PM
I have done some fishing at Leach Lake, and some of the smaller lakes there... Some of those lakes would have some great vis.... A little colder water than Florida though!! LOL... Have fun with the dive master coarse...What agency are you getting your training with???
ReefMan - 1/01/2008 2:36 PM
I am originally from NE Iowa... So we were almost neighbors!!! LOL... If you get to AZ...there are a few decent dives to do!!!! Have a great New Year!!!