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Brian from Fayetteville NC | Scuba Diver

I recently moved to NC and usually have at least one set of doubles full ready to dive. I’ve been diving in Haymarket, VA; Santa Rosa, NM; Wilmington & Morehead City, NC; Myrtle Beach, SC; Gilboa, OH; and Devil’s Den, Rainbow River, and Crystal River, FL. My favorite dives were when I went for shark teeth in NC.


ghostdiver - 3/26/2008 12:42 PM
If I had to do it in a wetsuit, I wouldn`t have taken my test until this summer! You are a Man amongst Divers! In any case, I read your profile and thought I`d fill you in on the S.C. Wreck diving we`re doing the weekend of April 19. Give Dan a call at Sterling Silver Scuba for details 703-421-3483 if you are interested. Regards, Rob
ReefMan - 3/06/2008 9:22 AM
Made a fun dive though....didn`t it!!! LOL
VaDiver - 2/27/2008 8:54 PM
So how cold was the water? I hope you had more than a 5 mil Suit?
dalehall - 2/12/2008 8:17 AM
Thanks for the add!!! **D**