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Marty from Charleston SC | Scuba Diver

I am an easy-going creative professional with a good sense of humor who loves tropical islands and [almost] everything that goes with them, including diving - scuba or snorkel.
I love music, but I have no musical talent. Any skills that I have are in the areas of architecture, design, & photography. I also love plants and gardening and just being out in spectacular natural settings.
I don’t get to go diving as often as I would like, but over the years I’ve been to the Florida Keys, Belize, Hawaii, and Zanzibar, which is just off of the east coast of Africa. It was incredible.
This profile format limits us to only one type of relationship with other members, so I picked "Dive buddy - just friends" because I would like to have more friends that are divers and I didn’t want to scare anybody away, but I am also open to other relationships above the water.


polarbear - 6/09/2008 8:54 PM
hey there welcome to dive buddy and thanx for the add!! michael
nauidiver - 6/09/2008 4:41 PM
Mark -

Welcome to dive buddy
thanks for the add!

- Dale