Eric Rohloff - Eric_R
Kalamazoo MI
60 years old
Joined On: 10/18/2009
Last Login: 12 hours 21 minutes ago.
Experience: Advanced
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Habits: Only drink
Relationship: Married
Children At Home: Yes
Divemaster (HSA)
Master Scuba Diver (NAUI)
Enriched Air/Nitrox (NAUI)
Advanced Open Water (NAUI)
Open Water Diver (NAUI)
I was Certified 1987. Have logged dives in Hawaii, Bahamas, Florida, Ohio, Indiana, Massachusetts, Canada and of course my home state of Michigan. I enjoy my wife and 4 boys who are starting to show an interest in diving. I am an avid photographer and videographer. I like hunting, dirt bikes and autos. I’m a professional grower in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The greenhouse I work at sells our product to independent garden centers all over the Midwest and southern states through our broker.
I really enjoy diving no matter where the location. Every location has something to offer you just have to know where to look. I’ll grub if I have too.