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mimi from Fort Lauderdale FL | Scuba Diver

Looking for female dive buddies!


feerlessfish - 7/16/2012 7:08 PM
Armand and I logged two dives on Sunday with Dixie Divers. We explored the Sea Emperor and did a drift dive off Angels Reef. We brought the camera but someone forgot to make sure the SD card was in the camera... ehem, he will not be named, but we had a great time :)

We saw a our first manta! We also saw a large sting ray, and a Goliath grouper, among other things. We are debating going to the Keys for a couple of dives this weekend.
scubaman - 10/19/2011 5:25 AM

Will be headed down your way soon, diving in Jupiter, Fl..

Maybe you could dive with our group.
