Edward Francis - openairdivacfp
Portsmouth RI
47 years old
Joined On: 4/24/2013
Last Login: 5/03/2013
Experience: Advanced
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Habits: Drink and smoke
Relationship: Relationship
Children At Home: No
Company: Edwards Enviromental Diving LLc..
Was a commercial Diver for many of years. Now I respond to Emergency Power Outages across the continental United states. Livind in RI for 30 years and have extensive knowledge of the area. Like to hunt lobsters, Tautog and Flatfish’s. THere the best eating. Love Love night diving, Wrecks, and Deep water. Mostly a shore diver with Surface supplied Dive van for commercial applications but I can brew ya a cup of coffee on the shore in the middle of the night. Just bought an underwater metal detector from fisher’s, so have been making allot of solo dives exploring this great coast line. Always looking for a friend to goto beavertail or Fort adams with. Be safe, no Troubles wit big Bubbles