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Rafael from Dallas TX | Scuba Diver

I am available to dive on lakes around DFW (80 mile radius) anytime from 8:00AM to 2:00PM, give me a call, we’ll dive.


Rafael_C - 9/13/2015 11:27 AM
Just bought an Oceanic Veo 3.0 computer, I can’t wait to use it.
Rafael_C - 9/01/2015 3:52 PM
If you have problems equalizing your ears, please watch this video.
cathy_crippen - 8/12/2015 5:07 PM
Welcome! I am a new diver as well as new to this sight. I dive as often as I can. I hope to see you out and about - if you ever need a dive buddy for an open weekend, let me know.
Rafael_C - 8/22/2015 4:19 AM
Thanks Cathy, I will tell you the same thing that I told LostPatriot, sorry it took so long to answer but right After I got certified I was transfer to the night shift, then my wife had eye surgery, and I have been very busy to say the least. I would love to go diving to any place near by, but as you know I’ll probably be diving afternoons since I go to sleep in the morning now. I am not familiar with the lakes arround here except for Clear Springs where I got certified.