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Rich from Kapaa HI | Scuba Diver

Always looking for more dive buddies. I spend half the year on the Mainland California and dive mostly Laguna Beach and Rancho Palos Verdes, as well as dive boats to the Channel Islands. The other half of the year I live in Kauai, Hawaii. Always up for a shore or boat dive.


Smithsgold - 9/13/2017 10:23 AM
Happy Birthday !!!!!
Greg - 10/26/2013 9:39 AM
I’ll edit your last post. How are you adding text? What browser are you using?
Rich-D-Fish - 10/26/2013 9:45 AM
LOL. My bad. I typed the text, and then wanted to add a photo. But I knew I would lose the text if I went into my photos to get the link. So I copied and pasted my text into a Word Document. Linked and posted the photo first. And then copied and pasted back from the Word document. In all I saved about 20 seconds over retyping my text. Thanks for editing it.
Greg - 10/26/2013 9:51 AM
Yeah, MS Word really screws things up. You can add images using the toolbar (there is a button to add an image, you just insert the url of the image).
priest - 6/19/2013 11:42 AM
Love that I am trying to get more involved just like what you described! I am trying to tune up my spearfishing game as well as video and photography... Working towards my dive master as well... Just finished Advanced Open Water earlier this year and saving up to do the rescue course... and trying to dive a lot in the meantime :)
Greg - 2/08/2013 8:37 AM
Only the name of the certification shows up in your profile, do you think I should start showing the cert number also? The cert number is currently only available to you in the Edit Certification section.
SaintsReturn - 12/28/2012 7:50 AM

What type of pole did you get for Christmas for your GoPro? Let me know what you think after you get some dives on it. I have been using a PVC makeshift one that works great but want something a little more versatile.
Rich-D-Fish - 12/28/2012 9:26 AM
Here is the product on I went for a cheap $12 version because I have seen how quickly the telescopic poles get jammed up with salt deposits and sand particles and stop working. Didn’t want to invest too much. I might go out with it on New Years morning. Will let you know.
Rich-D-Fish - 2/24/2012 3:19 PM
Hey everyone. I used the dive log for the first time and it’s simple and great. Plus you can easily add your divebuddies from a pull down list. You should all try it! Maybe I’ll start to log my dives again....

Rich-D-Fish - 2/24/2012 3:15 PM
Thanks to Edgar, Fernando and new buddy Tony for a great dive this morning at Old Marineland. I got to hold a baby horn shark in my hand, see a first ever blue shark (I believe based on pointy snout) about 3’ long, giant sheep crab, and the regular host of critters.
Rich-D-Fish - 12/28/2011 3:22 PM
Hitting Shaws Cove tomorrow morning with Robb and Edgar in search of the Frog fish. Hope to come home with a trophy photo.
JMartin - 12/28/2011 3:30 PM
Laguna Sea & Sport is reporting lite surge, 25-35ft Viz tonight which probally = 20ft+, we will be at Woods Cove tonight
Rich-D-Fish - 12/28/2011 3:34 PM
Don’t scare away that frog fish tonight before I can get there in the morning! Have a good dive!
JMartin - 12/28/2011 3:40 PM
Nah, just take the trophy pic, good luck!
Rich-D-Fish - 12/18/2011 11:56 PM
Hey! Great! A Dive Slate ala facebook Wall! Love it! Hope to dive again soon to post my adventures :-)
Greg - 12/19/2011 4:30 PM
Yes, pretty neat that we have our own wall huh?
Smithsgold - 9/14/2011 12:47 AM
Happy Birthday !!!!